
Humans have a unique capacity for introspection—looking inward and examining their thoughts and feelings. We use this power to imagine, remember, and reflect. But psychologist and neuroscientist Dr. Ethan Kross says introspection has a darker side. The founder of the Emotion and Self Control Laboratory at the University of Michigan calls this negative thought spiral “chatter.”

In his book Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It, Kross explores how introspection can harm us. Engaging with our inner thoughts in times of distress can interfere with decision-making, undermine our performance, and negatively impact relationships. 

Happily, we can break free from harmful negative cycles with research-based tools. In this course, you’ll learn to lower the volume on the tyrannical inner critic and harness the true power of your inner voice.

This course is provided in partnership with the Next Big Idea Club

Table of Contents

  1. Why Do We Talk to Ourselves
  2. How Chatter Sabotages Performance
  3. How Chatter Affects Our Health and Relationships
  4. The Power of Distance
  5. The Restorative Effects of Green Space
  6. Create Outer Order to Calm Inner Turmoil
  7. The Placebo Principle
  8. Seek Out Awe-Inspiring Experiences
  9. Conclusion

Bonus:  Keep the conversation going and Join Coaching Conversations with Terri.


    1. Welcome!

    2. Launch the Class

About this course

  • $17.00
  • 10 lessons
  • 10 author videos
  • Interactive Exercises

Harnessing the Chatter in Our Minds